Last of Us Day was celebrated on July 26, 2021. Every year since The Last of Us Part I was released, they have been celebrating this day to commemorate the launch of the game and the success it has witnessed.
In commemoration of this joyous day in the gaming industry, I’m listing down the top 10 moments from the Last of Us Part 1, Left Behind and Part 2. For those who have not yet played again, I’m warning you now to stay away as there will be lots of spoilers. Otherwise, proceed with caution.
10. Ellie Reveals That She’s Immune

This is the moment when we find out that Ellie is immune to the effects of the spore. This launched the journey across America to deliver Ellie safely to the Fireflies. If Tess has not discovered this, Joel would have just wanted to give up and turn back to town. This was not a very powerful reveal but it was one that paved the way to taking us to the journey.
9. Ellie Discovers David’s Secret

Just like Ellie, no one had any idea what was about to be revealed. In this scene, Ellie finds out who David truly is. It is revealed that it was David’s people that Ellie attacked in the school. What makes this reveal even more surprising was knowing that David’s people are cannibals.
8. Lev Opens up to Abby

Maybe I just can’t listen well but I had no idea what Lev’s birth gender was. This was a very intimate moment which made me had sympathy for Abby because she didn’t really care at all what gender Lev was. She only saw him as someone she was prepared to protect and die for. This gave us an insight to Abby’s emotional side and the bond that we would learn to love between Lev and Abby.
7. Ellie and Riley Share A Kiss

This was a scene that happened during Ellie and Riley’s time in the mall. When they both realised they have feelings for each other. This was also the big reveal that confirmed Ellie is a lesbian. This moment was intimate and heartwarming as it showcased the bond and love between two best friends. This was also Ellie’s first kiss so I chose this over her kiss with Dina.
6. Ellie plays Take On Me on the Guitar
Ellie’s rendition of A-Ha’s popular hit song was full of emotion. A moment that the world loved and showed us the vulnerability that Ellie felt. It was heartwarming and serene and made me just want to sit there and watch the whole thing over and over.
5. Ellie and Joel Share A Moment with a Giraffe

A moment that a lot of people will always remember. This moment showed us the beauty of nature and the striking contrast to the world they now live in. We tend to forget that Ellie grew up in a world where she could not have possibly gone to a zoo. So this moment gave us that joy of seeing a giraffe for the first time.
4. Ellie and Joel Inside the Spaceship

Yet another moment where Ellie gets to enjoy something that she normally would never have if not for Joel. With an audio file of the spaceship launch in her ears, Ellie imagines the spaceship taking off. You can see the delight in her face as she does this and it just something that made me happy. At the same time, it makes you sad knowing that this was the last time Joel would take Ellie on a surprise birthday trip.
3. Joel is Beaten to Death

A moment that I’m sure no one will ever forget is the moment we see Joel lose the fight. We were always used to Joel standing back up or being rescued by Ellie. But this time, Joel lost and he doesn’t survive it this time. Emotions of rage, sadness and denial coursed through me knowing that we won’t be able to see or play as Joel anymore. The guy that most of us loved playing in the first game.
2. Ellie Tries to Forgive Joel

This moment happens right at the end. When we are taken back to the night before Joel died. He gets to Ellie’s place and tries to apologize to what he did to Ellie. Ellie was not ready to forgive him but she said that she will try and learn to do so, one day at a time. The thought that Ellie would never have the chance to repair his relationship with Joel anymore just stings.
1. Joel’s Daughter Sarah Dies

This is what I would say my biggest moment of the entire series. This still tears me up to this day everytime I replay The Last of Us and I have played it multiple times. It was just a very sad moment and is one that really gets to you. It was just because you had to have this experience of fighting your way out of an infested town to save your daughter only to die at the hands of the military who was sworn to protect you. It felt like all your effort of trying to save someone was for nothing.
The Last of Us 2021 day might have ended, but for me everyday will always feel like The Last of Us day as it’s one of those game that will last a lifetime.
To check more of what has transpired during the Last of Us Day 2021, check it out here.