God Of War New Feature New Game+ Coming This Month

God of War New Game Plus armor

Game developer SCE Santa Monica Studios recently revealed that the God of War New Game+ will be available as a free patch update this month.

God of War New Game+ schedule

SCE Santa Monica Studios community strategist Aaron Kaufman took to the official PlayStation Blog to talk about the details of the upcoming New Game+ feature. This new feature will launch this coming Aug. 20, which is the game’s fourth month anniversary. They reminded the players that they will need to complete the story campaign of the game first on any difficulty before they can gain access to this awesome mode.

God of War Kratos

For players who have finished the game already, they can get the New Game+ mode once they updated their game on Aug. 20. They also gave an estimate for players to finish the game, which is about two weeks if they have not done it yet. They revealed that the new feature was inspired by the fans’ feedback.

Content details

To sum it all up, New Game+ brings some awesome new gear for players to try out. There will new difficult enemies to face, and cinematic skipping for those who do not want to watch everything again.

Players will be able to relive the journey of Kratos and Atreus with a lot of awesome items from the previous playthrough. They can retain their previous armors, enchantments, talismans, resources, and abilities. The best part is that they can choose the difficulty on their New Game+ playthrough.

The new feature will include higher level enemies. They might even have a few new abilities that will give players a challenge so they should be careful.

New rarities and new customizations

The unique feature of New Game+ is the brand new rarity level of equipment to craft and upgrade. Players will need to collect Skap Slag resource to upgrade their latest gear to the best ones. There will be new customization options as well with new armor sets and enchantments.

Source: PlayStation Blog