The story of Ultra Age follows Age, a warrior in the far flung future that is the typical “Earth-is-doomed-and-you-are-the-chosen-one-to-save-the-humankind!” scenario....
A new IP from Odd Bug Studio, Tails of Iron is a beautifully hand-drawn 2D RPG and it is shown...
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is the first major title by Ember Labs. The first time they revealed the game back...
When Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan was first announced, I was really intrigued on how it was going...
Lost Judgment is the follow up title to the much adored spinoff of Yakuza franchise, Judgement. Lost Judgement brings a...
Agatha Christie – Hercule Poriot: The First Cases centers around Hercule Poirot’s early days as a young detective. Let’s find...
Clid the Snail is a top-down dual-stick shooter with a story about a gung-ho anthropomorphic snail whose mission is to...