The Daily Rubble in Fortnite was the latest landmark added to the game in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. It appeared after one of the blimps in the Daily Bugle crashed resulting in a new landmark just off the coast of the main island.
One of the new challenges for completing the Week 5 Resistance quests are to head to the Daily Rubble and recover a data drive. But to do that you first have to know where exactly to find the Daily Rubble and how to recover the data drive. You’ll also have to establish a Device Uplink first before you can complete the challenge.
We’ll show you where to find the Daily Rubble Fortnite location and recover the data drive in this Fortnite guide. We’ll also show you where to establish a Device Uplink so you can finish the challenge.

Fortnite Daily Rubble Location
The Daily Rubble can be found southeast of the Daily Bugle. It isn’t hard to spot since it’s a crashed IO blip floating on top of the ocean. You’ll need to head to this landmark in order to complete the Resistance Quest which tasks you with recovering a data drive. You will receive 1,000 XP for discovering the Daily Rubble landmark.
You can jump to the Daily Rubble directly from the Battle Bus at the start of the game. However, you can also gather up weapons first by making a stop on the Daily Bugle. Players will most likely be fighting on this landmark so it’s always best to come prepared.

Fortnite Daily Rubble – Where to find Device Uplink Location
Go to the small island in the southeast of the Daily Bugle and interact with an audio log inside a small house on the shore to establish Device Uplink. This is required to finish the challenge. You can find the location of the Device Uplinks up above.
It is important that you establish the Device Uplink first before you recover the Data Drive as it is the first stage of the quest.

Fortnite Daily Rubble – Where to find Data Drive Location
There are two possible locations to retrieve the data drive once you are in the Daily Rubble Fortnite location. Both of them can be found in the rear end of the crashed IO Blimp.
The first data drive is on top of the Blimp at the back end and the second data drive can be found next to the tail of the crashed Blimp. You only need to recover one data drive to complete the Resistance quest so it can be either of the two. Just walk up to the data drive and press the interact button.
You’ll be awarded with 23,000 XP after completing this Resistance quest in Fortnite which is great for leveling up your Battle Pass.
Check out this Youtube video from HarryNinetyFour showcasing how to recover the Data Drive in the Daily Rubble Fortnite location.