We Happy Few Reveals Details On Season Pass And Sandbox Mode

We Happy Few Season Pass

Game developer Compulsion Games recently gave some details on We Happy Few’s Season Pass details ahead of its upcoming release.

We Happy Few Season Pass details

The post-launch contents accompanied in the Season Pass of the upcoming video game will include three stories set in Wellington Wells.

Roger & James in: They Came From Below!

Precocious Roger and Impetuous James set off in search of adventure and love, only to uncover bizarre technology and a terrifying new threat. All is not as it seems. Or is it exactly as it seems?


Heartthrob, artist, and personal trainwreck, Nick Lightbearer is Wellington Wells’ most celebrated rock star—but what truly makes him tick? Tune in to Uncle Jack’s late show to find out.

We All Fall Down

Much like any well-worn happy mask, all societies develop cracks in their veneer. But that doesn’t mean you should go digging up dirt from the past. Right? *pops a Joy pill* Right!

Sandbox Mode revealed

Aside from the Season Pass content details, the game developers showcased the upcoming Sandbox Mode for the game. This will be a free update that will add an infinite mode. This will be set in a world that players can customize however they please. They can make their own rules of the game like playing as another character. This will also bring back the old version of the game that had a systemic, sandbox world.

Game will be 20 hours long

In other related news, Compulsion Games revealed that the upcoming video game will be a 20-hour experience. Game producer Sam Abbot told a publication that this is due to the new version of game that it had an increase in playthrough length. They have also cancelled the highly repeatable one-hour game formula in favor for the more traditional 20-hour experience.

Check out the trailer below:


Source: Official Website