Star Wars Battlefront II Gets New Update Introducing Clone Wars Content

Star Wars Battlefront II Clone Wars

Game developer DICE and publisher EA recently revealed the next content update for popular online multiplayer video game Star Wars Battlefront II.

Star Wars Battlefront II introduces prequel-era content

With the extensive roadmap that was introduced by EA and DICE, the next content to be introduced in a new update will be prequel-era stuff. The new content will be from the Clone Wars and it will be launched this coming Aug. 29.

The highlight of this update is the two new Clone trooper prequel-era skins. Players can customize this with their Republic Amry with the 41st Elite Corps and the 327th Star Corps. These skins can be used by different troopers like the Specialist, Assault, and Heavy ones. 20,000 credits are needed to purchase each of these skins or they can just buy a bundle that will include all three skins for both corps for 40,000 credits.

Other stuff included

The new update will also have other stuff like new emotes and victory poses for heroes. DICE also announced that the planet of Naboo will be added to Blast and Custom Arcade modes. The most interesting news is that the Ewok Hunt will become a permanent game mode when the new update is introduced.

The other things introduced are updates for quicker matchmaking, a new end-of-round screen, and some general bug fixing. They also confirmed that the x2 multiplier will be removed from the squad system in the future.

The prices for Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous were confirmed although they are not part of the update. They plan to price each hero for only 35,000 credits.

Source: Official Website