Shadow Of The Tomb Raider New Trailer Focuses On Stealth Feature

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Game publisher Square Enix recently revealed a new trailer of upcoming action adventure video game Shadow of the Tomb Raider focusing on the stealth feature.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider trailer details

There were several trailers of the video game that were released previously to showcase its several aspects. The previous ones featured the different vistas, the deadly tombs, and one of the hubs that Lara Croft would visit. The newly released trailer now features her awesome abilities in stealth tactics and how she would take down her deadliest opponents.

Game developer Crystal Dynamics has always featured stealth features in the Tomb Raider reboot since the first title. It was one of the best methods to eliminate several enemies in one area before moving on to the next one. The latest title however has shown how improved the new stealth mechanics have gotten. Game developer Eidos Montreal also contributed in improving the stealth mechanics of this latest title, which is not a surprise because they were behind the recent Deus Ex titles.

With the new features, players can now let Lara hid by standing in a brush due to the vegetation-covered walls. She can also sneak in trees, tie up her enemies below from a higher position, and dispatch them without any problems. She can also cover herself up with mud for camouflage, which allows her to move around easily.

Lara’s stealth attacks are pretty brutal in the trailer. She attacks them with her knife and continuously stabs an opponent until he goes down. Her arrows also have some sort of hallucinogenic effect that makes her enemies fight against each other.

The game will launch on PlayStation 4. It will also launch on other platforms like Xbox One, and PC via Steam. It will be released on Sept. 14.

Check out the trailer below: