Oninaki Reveals New Gameplay Video Featuring Daemon Izana

Oninaki Izana

Game company Square Enix recently released a new gameplay video for upcoming video game Oninaki featuring another Daemon.

Oninaki Daemon Izana featured

The new gameplay video featured the Daemon character Izana who is voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi. Players can equip their character with these special Daemon attacks to enhance their skills and abilities.

Here is the overview of Izana:

Able to maintain her composure in most any situation, Izana knows how to stand her ground. She is an aloof Daemon who observes the words and emotions of the living with great interest. Izana still holds distant memories of the cold tears of the dead and the twisted smiles of the living. She wields scythes that cut through large swathes of the battlefield with devastating power. She can also move in the blink of an eye, enabling her to strike from the blind spots of her foes.

The full game will launch on PlayStation 4. It will be released this coming Aug. 22.

Official website here.