After around 8 years, we finally get our hands on the 11th installment in the classic Mega Man franchise! Was...
Every year it gets better, and every year the devs at Visual Concepts are taking notes to see what they...
Dragon Quest XI is definitely a JRPG, albeit a pretty mediocre one. There’s no denying that the game looks incredible,...
I really get this hunch that Lara Croft somewhat gets off to putting her life frequently in danger. What normal...
Everything you need to know about Spider-Man is in his name and theme song: he can spin a web of...
Heya guys, this is AC and I’m here to review the latest remaster of the Yakuza series: Yakuza Kiwami 2....
Phantom Doctrine is a turned based strategy set around the Cold War era. Wrapped around conspiracy and deception, it takes...