Anthem New Details Feature Co-Op, Solo Play, Missions, More

Game executive producer Mark Darrah took to Twitter to answer several questions on Anthem’s different features like co-op, solo play, and many more.

Anthem co-op details revealed

Darrah’s pile of answers includes information about loot in co-op gameplay. When players defeat an enemy in co-op, the loot is instanced. What that means is that the loot is not shared and each of them gets their own.

After completing a mission with a group, players will remain linked even after they return back to their own bases. If they want to do another mission with the same people, they can do that without having to redo the party, which is convenient.

Stronghold endgame info

For the Stronghold endgame section of the game, players will need to go with a four player group to make this a reality. They cannot go in solo or with an incomplete squad. They can, however, go for matchmaking, which would be an easy thing to do.

The whole campaign will not actually include these Strongholds because they are high-difficulty endgame experiences. The story missions can be done solo, which is a relief. The missions will be easier with a group of four, but they will adjust automatically depending on the group size. These will be relatively linear. The freeplay will be wide open to do though, so have fun with that.

Other stuff

Players can make different freelancers on the same account. This will not be limited to a single persona if they want to have different kinds of alternate characters. The Gear can be used across multiple loadouts. There will be no need for multiple copies if they want to use the same gear across different equipment sets. The Gear will be specific to each kind of Javelin.

Anthem Javelin suit

Source: Twitter Account