Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Reveal The Pioneers Faction

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 The Pioneers mansion

Game publisher Paradox Interactive and developer Hardsuit Labs recently revealed details about a new faction for upcoming video game Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 introduces another group

The latest group to be introduced is one of the five major factions in Seattle, The Pioneers. All of these factions are looking for ways to get them all united under a single banner and control them all.

Check out the details here:

The Pioneers

Past Glories

While Seattle is a young city, the vampires of The Pioneers were among the first to settle here and rule. Led by Lou Grand, the longest-reigning Prince of the area, they have seen control slip away over the years and are increasingly unhappy with the amount of outsiders that have come in and carved out territory.

Old Money

There’s a lot of wealth in ruling a city for more than a century. The money of the Pioneers would earn a lot of influence almost anywhere in the world. In the modern boomtown of Seattle, though, all it seems to afford is a more comfortable slide into irrelevance.

While they have dreams of once more ruling the city, they have since been forced to accept the rules of another. In exchange, they have been allowed to “save face” by keeping control over some minor parts of the city.

The Insider’s Club

A collection of individuals from different clans, unified by their idealistic and romantic notion of Seattle as the last frontier – The Pioneers held Seattle for the biggest part of the city’s existence. Having lost so much in the last twenty years, they have become quite skeptical of the changing world, including any fledgling looking to join.

The vampires in Lou’s group include loggers, fishermen, bootleggers, old money families, musicians and artists, and many other long-time Puget Sound inhabitants – and they fight tooth and nail to preserve whatever remains of their old world – and of one another.

The game will launch in the first quarter of 2020. It will be released on PlayStation 4.

Source: Official Website