Capcom Reveals that 79% of Players Chose Leon’s Campaign First


So the Resident Evil 2 Remake has just recently came out. And already I see people asking which campaign they should be playing first. Well it seems that Capcom has published the statistics of what they garnered worldwide. And it seems that gamers have chosen Leon’s campaign to introduce them to the remake.

I, myself, chose Leon’s campaign first. But that had more or less something to do with me choosing Claire’s route first in the original. While this doesn’t change any perspective of the game, it is interesting to see that most players chose to play through Leon first then Claire second. 79% to be exact.

During ESGS last year, I saw many people playing Leon’s demo over Claire’s. So in hindsight, I should’ve already expected this to happen. If you haven’t purchased Resident Evil 2, I highly suggest that you do. It’s an excellent game! Wait for my review coming soon!